The Secret World of Renaldo Kuhler is listed at #6 on artnet's list of the 15 most beautiful art books published in 2017. Check it out here.
artnet writes:
Outsider Art fans will want to meet Renaldo Kuhler (1931–2013), who for 60 years worked in secrecy, creating the fantastic world of Rocaterrania, inspired by his hometown in Rockland County, New York. His fictional kingdom—replete with its own religion, government, and language, as well as an Olympic Games, prison system, railroad lines, and richly detailed history—comes to life in this new book by Brett Ingram. Most of the expertly drafted illustrations, done in graphite, ink, acrylic, oil, gouache, and watercolors, among other mediums, are being published here for the first time.
It must be said here that most of the credit for the book's beauty goes to Renaldo Kuhler, the illustrator, and Laura Lindgren, who designed and edited the book itself into a work of art.